Entry deadlines
1st: 28 th August, 2017
2nd: 11 th September, 2017
Entry fee Pannon Cup:
1. deadline: 1.dog: 35 Euro more dogs: 30 Euro Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran: 20 Euro
2. deadline: 1. dog: 45 Euro more dogs: 40 Euro Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran: 30 Euro
Best brace, Best breeder’s group, junior handling on show: 10 Euro
Entry fee Pannon Sweeptakes Show:
1. deadline: 1. dog: 10 Euro other dogs: 10 Euro
2. deadline: 1. dog: 10 Euro other dogs: 10 Euro
Entry fee Pannon Bullterrier Trophy:
1. deadline: 1. dog: 10 Euro other dogs: 10 Euro
2. deadline: 1. dog: 10 Euro other dogs: 10 Euro
Entry fee Hobby – Bully dogs:
Entry possibility on the show, all of dogs 10 Euro, for rescued dogs and for dogs handled by animal rescue are free. Registration / Entry on the show office between 9:00 – 11:30.
We accept special or discount entries only in e-mails or by post, these dogs are not 1. dogs. The discount coupon is valid for Pannon Cup, Pannon Sweeptakes Show and Pannon Bullterrier Tropy.
Entry options:
Personally on the following shows:
Herend 20.08.2017, EDS,Kiev – MEOESZ stand 24-27.08.2017,Luxemburg, Amstaff ring 03.09.2017 SBC Slovak Bullterrier club show 03.09.2017, Hódmezővásárhely Amstaff ring 9-10.09.2017, Indjia Derby Show 16.09.2017
Bank details:
Pannon Terrier Egyesület: MKB Bank 10300002-10669930-49020010
Swift code: MKKBHUHB , IBAN : HU98 1030 0002 1066 9930 4902 0010
Judge list:
Pannon Cup Show:
American Staffordshire Terrier – Mr. Greg Roadhouse (USA)
Staffordshire bull terrier - Mr. Jamie Mace (GB)
Bull terrier and Miniature Bullterrier – Mrs.Elisabeth Feuz (CH)
Pannon Sweepstakes Show:
American Staffordshire Terrier – Mr. Olaf Verhorevoort (NL)
Staffordshire bull terrier - Mr. Reti Andrei (RO)
Pannon Bullterrier Trophy Show:
Bull terrier and Miniature Bullterrier – Mrs. Aleksandra Jastrzębska Timar (PL)
Pannon Hobby-Bully Show:
For all bull breed by ages - surprise judges, national stars
Show schedule:
7:00 – Gate opening
08:00-09:00 Registration of dogs
09:00-11:30 Hobby dog entry
09:00-11:00 Pannon Sweeptakes Show
09:00-11:00 Pannon Bullterrier Trophy Show (1. a Standard Bullterrier, later 2. a Miniature Bullterrier)
11:00-12:00 Lunch break, breeding tests, Seminar and programs for children
12:00-17:00 Pannon Cup Show
17:30- Best in Show Program
During and after the show: cooking, drinking together, even camping possiblilty on the location - Komárom Fort with non-stop security service.
Parking fees, entrance tickets:
Entrance ticket:
Student, pensioner: 2 Euro / day
Adults: 4 Euro / day
Parking in front of the fort on the slope: 4 Euro / day
Parking in the area of the fort, next to the rings: 6 Euro / day
Parking with caravans: 15 Euro, in case of Friday arrival: 20 Euro
Place of the show: 2900 Komárom Dunapart 1. GPS: N 47,75061 - E 18,09707
Informations of show programs:
1. Pannon Sweepstakes Show - show of junior dogs
(American staffordshire terrier, Saffordshire bull terrier)
„Sweepstakes” – Young dogs’ competition – is a traditional side program of the best dog shows in the USA and some European countries, without granting FCI titles. The judging is different than a normal FCI judgement, it's made by the aspect of breeding with different classes and titles but still observing the rig, character and movement. Usually the organizers invite great, acknowledged breeders from each breed who do not have FCI or AKC judging licence. Their opinions can reach to many, not just because they can have new titles but to get a more professional sight.
Sweepstakes: Veterán Sweepstakes :
3-6 months old 7-9 years old
6-9 months old 9-12 years old
9-12 months old over 12 years old
12-15 months old
15-24 months old
The choosen Breeder does the judging in separated classes and sexes. There is no written review only verbal justification those who come out 1. and 2. in each class are announced. The classwinners are called back to allowed the judge choose the Best of Sweepstakes and Best of opposite Sweepstakes.
At Veteran classes the same method is used and Best of Veteran Sweeptakes, Best of Opposite Veteran Sweeptakes titles are given.
The Sweeptakes judgement is before the Clubshow, during judging the judges of the Clubshow are not allowed to be present, so that the results do not influence them achieved, decides.
How to register:
Any purebreed dog with FCI pedigree can register in classes listed above. Dogs are categorzed into classes based on their ages – the date of the show is considered when determining the dogs age .
To entry your dog we need the Entry form filled in, copy of pedigree, payment confirmation. Entry fee is 10 Euro, and of course you can enter dogs to both shows or one , as you wish.
Entry forms: http://www.pannonterrier.hu/index.php?link=nevezesi_lapok&m=44
We also accept entries by email: pannonterrier@gmail.com
Or by post: MEOE Szövetség, 1194 Budapest, Hofherr Albert u 42.
2,Pannon Bullterrier Trophy Show – special Bullterrier Show
(English Bullterriers, Miniature English Bullterriers only)
The Trophy Show is an accepted and necessary element of the Bullterrier special shows. All over the world Trohpy Shows are organized at big show at big show either before or after the clubshow. In the Netherlands at the International Bullterrier Day the Sweeptakes show is a great groupmatch between the countries.
The judging is different than a normal FCI judgement, it's made by the aspect of breeding with different classes and titles but still observe the rig, character and movement. Usually the organizers invites great, acknowledged breeders from each breed whom haven't got FCI or AKC judging licence. Their opinions can rich to many, not just because they can have new titles but to get a more professional sight.
Males: Females:
White males over 9 months White bitches over 9 months
Colored males over 9 months Colored bitches over 9 months
The judge do the judging by color and sexes. . There is no written review only verbal justification those who come out 1. and 2. in each class are announced. The classwinners are called back to allowed the judge choose the Trophy Winner Male and Trophy Winner Bitch
Trophy show is before the Clubshow, during judging the judges of the Clubshow are not allowed to be present, so that the results do not influence them achieved, decides.
How to register:
Any purebreed dog with FCI pedigree can register in classes listed above. Dogs are categorzed into classes based on their ages – the date of the show is considered when determining the dogs age .
To entry your dog we need the Entry form filled in, copy of pedigree, payment confirmation. Entry fee is 10 Euro, and of course you can enter dogs to both shows or one , as you wish.
Entry forms: http://www.pannonterrier.hu/index.php?link=nevezesi_lapok&m=44
We also accept entries by email: pannonterrier@gmail.com
Or by post: MEOE Szövetség, 1194 Budapest, Hofherr Albert u 42.
3,Pannon Cup Show – competition of the day - judging
(American staffordshire terrier , Staffordshire bull terrier, English bull terrier and Miniature Bullterrier)
The Pannon Cup Show was inspired by a very famous, determinative, long lived terrier-special show in Serbia with big success in the past. Unfortunately by today this show lost its value because of changings the location and organizer. In order to boost the show we invited famous, International judges – with the expection of one , the judges all come from standard giving countries to act as judge in cases of the 4 bull breeds we have. The judges were choosen by the Pannon Terrier Asc. Members in jan-feb. 2017 by voting.
Minor Puppy 3-6 months
Puppy 6-9 months
Junior 9-18 months
Intermediate 15-24 months
Open over 15 months
Champion over 15 months
Veteran over 8 years
The breed is judged per class and sex with written review, 1-4 placing (HPJ, CAC, RCAC). The junior classwinners become Junior Pannon Cup-Clubwinners.Pannon Cup winner will be choosen from the adult classwinners (interm., open, champion) .Pannon Cup Winners per sex. Veteran class winners become Veteran Pannon Cup-Clubwinner. No best junior, best puppy, etc. will be choosen, all winners are welcome to the Best in Show ring.
Before choosing of Best of Breed we give breed-specific special titles as the following:
1, American Staffordshire Terrier:
Best uncropped ear dog – we will have B.U.E.-candidate dog in each class, at the end of judging from all of them the Best uncropped Ear dog will be choosen.
Best movement – the judge before judging will get „best movement candidate” cards in 20% of the entered dogs amount, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back ath the end of judging to choose the best.
Best handler – the judge before judging will get „best handler candidate” cards, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
2, Staffordshire Bull Terrier:
Best Head – the judge before judging will get „best head candidate” cards in 20% of the entered dogs amount, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
Best movement – the judge before judging will get „best movement candidate” cards in 20% of the entered dogs amount, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
Best Handler – the judge before judging will get „best handler candidate” cards, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
3, English Bullterrier és Miniature Bullterrier:
Best Head – the judge before judging will get „best head candidate” cards in 20% of the entered dogs amount, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
Best movement – the judge before judging will get „best movement candidate” cards in 20% of the entered dogs amount, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
Best Handler – the judge before judging will get „best handler candidate” cards, during judging he gives them to those he prefer and calls them back at the end of judging to choose the best.
All special titles given by the original judge. After this extra program judge calls back the Junior Clubwinners, Clubwinners and Veteran Clubwinners to select Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex.
To this exhibition all purebred dogs are able to register with FCI recognized certificates in the following classes. Classes are limited by age, we count on the day of exhibition (23rd september), so 9months old dog means the dog born before 23rd of january 2017.
To entry your dog we need Entry form, Certificate, Payment confirmation and if you have it then the copy of your hungarian Kennelklub card. Of course you can enter dogs to both shows or each individual.
Download Entry form here:
We also accept entries by email: pannonterrier@gmail.com
Or by post: MEOE Szövetség, 1194 Budapest, Hofherr Albert u 42.
Please remember our DEADLINE!
Titles and rewards:
The main supporter of our day is Panzi Pet Kft., out of their well known rich and large presents we have so many offerings. We keep the list updated.
Pannon Sweeptakes Show:
Pannon Bullterrier Trophy Show:
Pannon Cup Show:
Best in Show program:
Best in Show program will judged by the invited FCI judges, the Best in Show title will be given by all 3 judges and their common selection.
Junior handler : 1 – 2 places - gift
Best minor puppy ( from the 4 breeds per sexes ) : 1-2 places - cup
Best puppy : (from the 4 breeds per sexes) : 1-2 places - cup
Best veterán: (from the 4 breeds per sexes) : 1-2 places - cup
Best pair: 1-2 places - cup
Best breeding pair : 1-2 places - cup
Best junior: 1-2 places - cup
Best in Show: 1-2 places - cup
We will wait you , good luck for everybody